Tuesday, January 23, 2007

what to do?

I have started playing badminton again. Its fun. I want to play at least twice a week.

I am looking forward to the upcoming Second Stage Plays.

I have a stack of old knitting patterns but what do you do with them. I'd hate to just throw them out. Is there any use for these anywhere, is there any group I could give them to.

Treble Clef line notes EGBDF space notes FACE

Bass Clef line notes "have slipped my mind" space notes ACEG therefore when placed between the line notes I can figure out the line notes to be GBDFA and yes now I remember the little saying: good boys deserve fudge always and of course the space notes saying is: all cows eat grass

And when I once again place this between the line saying I get: Good All Boys Cows Deserve Eat Fudge Grass Always.

Have a great day!

If you have any good patterns for Men's sweaters I'd take them off your hands.
I'll get them together for you and drop them by your place of work.
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